(Updated on Feb 03, 2018)
NOTE: This document has been updated. XML files are no longer in use and instead we have json files for map data.
When you create a traviso engine instance you need to define a configuration object for it.
var instanceConfig =
mapDataPath : "mapData.json",
assetsToLoad : ["grassTile.png", "waterTile.png", "house.png", "box.png"],
var engine = TRAVISO.getEngineInstance(instanceConfig);
is the only required component which specifies the path to the JSON file that defines map data.
is an array of paths to the assets that are desired to be loaded by traviso. No need to use this if your assets are already loaded to PIXI cache.
Here is a breakdown of all the other parameters that you can play around to customize your isometric engine.
mapDataPath {String} // the path to the json file that defines map data, required
assetsToLoad {Array(String)} // array of paths to the assets that are desired to be loaded by traviso, no need to use if assets are already loaded to PIXI cache, default null
minScale {Number} // minimum scale that the DisplayObjectContainer for the map can get, default 0.5
maxScale {Number} // maximum scale that the DisplayObjectContainer for the map can get, default 1.5
numberOfZoomLevels {Number} // used to calculate zoom increment, default 5
initialZoomLevel {Number} // initial zoom level of the map, should be between -1 and 1, default 0
instantCameraZoom {Number} // specifies whether to zoom instantly or with a tween animation, default false
tileHeight {Number} // height of a single isometric tile, default 74
isoAngle {Number} // the angle between the top left edge and the horizontal diagonal of a isometric quad, default 30
initialPositionFrame {Object} // frame to position the engine, default { x : 0, y : 0, w : 800, h : 600 }
initialPositionFrame.x {Number} // x position of the engine, default 0
initialPositionFrame.y {Number} // y position of the engine, default 0
initialPositionFrame.w {Number} // width of the engine, default 800
initialPositionFrame.h {Number} // height of the engine, default 600
pathFindingType {Number} // the type of path finding algorithm two use, default TRAVISO.pfAlgorithms.ASTAR_ORTHOGONAL
pathFindingClosest {Boolean} // whether to return the path to the closest node if the target is unreachable, default false
followCharacter {Boolean} // defines if the camera will follow the current controllable or not, default true
instantCameraRelocation {Boolean} // specifies whether the camera moves instantly or with a tween animation to the target location, default false
instantObjectRelocation {Boolean} // specifies whether the map-objects will be moved to target location instantly or with an animation, default false
changeTransperancies {Boolean} // make objects transparent when the controllable is behind them, default true
highlightPath {Boolean} // highlight the path when the current controllable moves on the map, default true
highlightTargetTile {Boolean} // highlight the target tile when the current controllable moves on the map, default true
tileHighlightAnimated {Boolean} // animate the tile highlights, default true
tileHighlightFillColor {Number(Hexadecimal)} // color code for the tile highlight fill (this will be overridden if there is a highlight-image defined in the map data file), default 0x80d7ff
tileHighlightFillAlpha {Number} // alpha value for the tile highlight fill (this will be overridden if there is a highlight-image defined in the map data file), default 0.5
tileHighlightStrokeColor {Number(Hexadecimal)} // color code for the tile highlight stroke (this will be overridden if there is a highlight-image defined in the map data file), default 0xFFFFFF
tileHighlightStrokeAlpha {Number} // alpha value for the tile highlight stroke (this will be overridden if a highlight-image is defined), default 1.0
dontAutoMoveToTile {Boolean} // when a tile selected don't move the controllable immediately but still call 'tileSelectCallback', default false
checkPathOnEachTile {Boolean} // engine looks for a path every time an object moves to a new tile on the path (set to false if you don't have moving objects other then your controllable on your map), default true
mapDraggable {Boolean} // enable dragging the map with touch-and-touchmove or mousedown-and-mousemove on the map, default true
backgroundColor {Number(Hexadecimal)} // background color, if defined the engine will create a solid colored background for the map, default null
useMask {Boolean} // creates a mask using the position frame defined by 'initialPositionFrame' property or the 'posFrame' parameter that is passed to 'repositionContent' method, default false
engineInstanceReadyCallback {Function} // callback function that will be called once everything is loaded and engine instance is ready, default null
tileSelectCallback {Function} // callback function that will be called when a tile is selected, default null
objectSelectCallback {Function} // callback function that will be called when a tile with an interactive map-object on it is selected, default null
objectReachedDestinationCallback {Function} // callback function that will be called when any moving object reaches its destination, default null
otherObjectsOnTheNextTileCallback {Function} // callback function that will be called when any moving object is in move and there are other objects on the next tile, default null
objectUpdateCallback {Function} // callback function that will be called every time an objects direction or position changed, default null
Download traviso and start playing around with the examples included.
Check out the documentation here.