Camera Controls

March 20, 2015 See the demo

(Updated on Feb 03, 2018)

NOTE: This document has been updated. XML files are no longer in use and instead we have json files for map data.

Traviso has built-in camera methods that you can call externally to play around to get the best result in your own app logic.

At this point you can either read the tutorial below or go ahead and see the result immediately here.

Here is a list of public methods related to the camera controls that you can use with the engine:

  • centralizeToCurrentExternalCenter( instantRelocate=false ) : External center is the central point of the frame defined by the user to be used as the visual size of the engine. This method centralizes the EngineView instance with respect to this external center-point.
  • centralizeToCurrentFocusLocation( instantRelocate=false ) : Centralizes the EngineView instance to the current location of the attention/focus.
  • centralizeToLocation( c, r, instantRelocate=false ) : Centralizes the EngineView instance to the map location specified by row and column index.
  • centralizeToObject( obj ) : Centralizes the EngineView instance to the object specified.
  • centralizeToPoint( px, py, instantRelocate=false ) : Centralizes the EngineView instance to the point specified.
  • focusMapToLocation( c, r, zoomAmount ) : Centralizes and zooms the EngineView instance to the map location specified by row and column index.
  • focusMapToObject( obj ) : Centralizes and zooms the EngineView instance to the object specified.
  • setZoomParameters( minScale=0.5, maxScale=1.5, numberOfZoomLevels=5, initialZoomLevel=0, instantCameraZoom=false ) : Sets all the parameters related to zooming in and out.
  • zoomOut( instantZoom=false ) : Zooms the camera one level out.
  • zoomIn( instantZoom=false ) : Zooms the camera one level in.
  • zoomTo( zoomAmount, instantZoom=false ) : Zooms camera by to the amount given.

You can reach a more detailed documentation about this methods here.

Now, let’s make a panel to control our camera.

First, we initialize a traviso engine. (For basic isometric engine creation you can read this tutorial.)

////// Here, we initialize the pixi application
var pixiRoot = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, { backgroundColor : 0x6BACDE });

// add the renderer view element to the DOM

////// Here, we create our traviso instance and add on top of pixi

// engine-instance configuration object
var instanceConfig = {
    mapDataPath : "mapData.xml",
    assetsToLoad : ["grassTile.png", "house.png"],
    initialPositionFrame: { x : 0, y : 0, w : 800, h : 600 },
    engineInstanceReadyCallback : onEngineInstanceReady

var engine = TRAVISO.getEngineInstance(instanceConfig);

// this method will be called when the engine is ready
function onEngineInstanceReady () {

Then, we need to create some images for the control buttons.

Using the pixi logic we create sprites for our buttons:

function onEngineInstanceReady() {
    // create buttons
    var btnZoomIn = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_zoomIn.png");
    var btnZoomOut = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_zoomOut.png");
    var btnCentralize = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_centralize.png");
    var btnCentralizeToObject = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_centralizeToObject.png");
    var btnFocusMapToObject = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_focusToObject.png");
    // set positions
    btnZoomIn.position.x = 8;
    btnZoomOut.position.x = btnZoomIn.position.x + btnZoomIn.width + 8;
    btnCentralize.position.x = btnZoomOut.position.x + btnZoomOut.width + 8;
    btnCentralizeToObject.position.x = btnCentralize.position.x + btnCentralize.width + 8;
    btnFocusMapToObject.position.x = btnCentralizeToObject.position.x + btnCentralizeToObject.width + 8;

Now, all we need is to assign click methods for each one and link them to the engine methods that we want to play with.

btnZoomIn.interactive = btnZoomIn.buttonMode = true;
btnZoomOut.interactive = btnZoomOut.buttonMode = true;
btnCentralize.interactive = btnCentralize.buttonMode = true;
btnCentralizeToObject.interactive = btnCentralizeToObject.buttonMode = true;
btnFocusMapToObject.interactive = btnFocusMapToObject.buttonMode = true;

// add click callbacks = btnZoomIn.tap = function(data) {
}; = btnZoomOut.tap = function(data) {
}; = btnCentralize.tap = function(data) {
}; = btnCentralizeToObject.tap = function(data) {
}; = btnFocusMapToObject.tap = function(data) {

Here zoomIn, zoomOut, centralizeToObject are pretty straightforward.

centralizeToCurrentExternalCenter centralizes the engine camera with respect to this external center-point. External center is the central point of the frame (defined in the config object or { x : 0, y : 0, w : 800, h : 600 } by default) used as the visual size of the engine.

focusMapToObject method, on the other hand, both centralizes and zooms the engine camera to the object specified. Here focus means zooming in so you need to zoom out a little bit to see the correct effect.

Finally, here is the entire code:

var pixiRoot = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, { backgroundColor : 0x6BACDE });

var instanceConfig = {
    mapDataPath : "mapData.xml",
    assetsToLoad : ["grassTile.png", "house.png"],
    initialPositionFrame: { x : 0, y : 0, w : 800, h : 600 },
    engineInstanceReadyCallback : onEngineInstanceReady
var engine = TRAVISO.getEngineInstance(instanceConfig);

function onEngineInstanceReady () {
    // create buttons
    var btnZoomIn = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_zoomIn.png");
    var btnZoomOut = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_zoomOut.png");
    var btnCentralize = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_centralize.png");
    var btnCentralizeToObject = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_centralizeToObject.png");
    var btnFocusMapToObject = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame("../assets/btn_focusToObject.png");
    // set positions
    btnZoomIn.position.x = 8;
    btnZoomOut.position.x = btnZoomIn.position.x + btnZoomIn.width + 8;
    btnCentralize.position.x = btnZoomOut.position.x + btnZoomOut.width + 8;
    btnCentralizeToObject.position.x = btnCentralize.position.x + btnCentralize.width + 8;
    btnFocusMapToObject.position.x = btnCentralizeToObject.position.x + btnCentralizeToObject.width + 8;

    btnZoomIn.interactive = btnZoomIn.buttonMode = true;
    btnZoomOut.interactive = btnZoomOut.buttonMode = true;
    btnCentralize.interactive = btnCentralize.buttonMode = true;
    btnCentralizeToObject.interactive = btnCentralizeToObject.buttonMode = true;
    btnFocusMapToObject.interactive = btnFocusMapToObject.buttonMode = true;

    // add click callbacks = btnZoomIn.tap = function(data) {
    }; = btnZoomOut.tap = function(data) {
    }; = btnCentralize.tap = function(data) {
    }; = btnCentralizeToObject.tap = function(data) {
    }; = btnFocusMapToObject.tap = function(data) {

You can check out the demo from here.

Additionally there are some handy properties related to camera controls that you can define in the configuration object. Here is a list:

  • minScale {Number} : minimum scale that the DisplayObjectContainer for the map can get, default 0.5
  • maxScale {Number} : maximum scale that the DisplayObjectContainer for the map can get, default 1.5
  • numberOfZoomLevels {Number} : used to calculate zoom increment, default 5
  • initialZoomLevel {Number} : initial zoom level of the map, should be between -1 and 1, default 0
  • instantCameraZoom {Number} : specifies whether to zoom instantly or with a tween animation, default false
  • followCharacter {Boolean} : defines if the camera will follow the current controllable or not, default true
  • instantCameraRelocation {Boolean} : specifies whether the camera moves instantly or with a tween animation to the target location, default false
  • mapDraggable {Boolean} : enable dragging the map with touch-and-touchmove or mousedown-and-mousemove on the map, default true

Hope you liked it. Let me know your thoughts either in the comments below or through twitter.

Download traviso and start playing around with the examples included.

Check out the documentation here.